Paper Accepted at DSD 2012

The memory team congratulates Gervin Thomas from TU Berlin for having his paper entitled “A Predictor-based Power-Saving Policy for DRAM Memories” accepted at DSD 2012. This work is the result of Gervin’s HiPEAC collaboration visit in Eindhoven between August and October 2011. During this time, he worked closely with Karthik Chandrasekar on finding a way to use the self-refresh mode of DRAMs to reduce the power consumption in soft real-time systems without significantly reducing performance. The camera-ready version of the paper will be available shortly.

Update: The paper is now available online. Click here to read it.

CoMPSoC Website Launched –

The CoMPSoC project has launched an official website,, with information about the research, references to key publications, and links to the websites of the individual websites of the researchers. I recommend having a look at this website, since it shows the system-level context, the bigger picture, of the memory controller research done by the memory team.

Update: The DATE demo is now posted on for those that were unable to see it in Dresden.
Click here to enjoy the demo.

Paper Accepted at DAC 2012

Today, we congratulate Karthik Chandrasekar on getting his paper “Run-Time Power-Down Strategies for Real-Time SDRAM Memory Controllers” accepted at Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2012, where it will be presented in early June. The paper proposes two run-time power down strategies for real-time SDRAM controllers that reduce power without sacrificing guaranteed bandwidth. One strategy is conservative and saves power without affecting latency, whereas the second is more aggressive and saves additional power at a slightly increased latency. The paper also presents an algorithm to select the most energy-efficient power-down mode at run-time.

Update: The camera-ready version is now available. Click here to download it.