Today, I start a two month stay as Visiting Researcher at Airbus Group Innovations in Ottobrunn, Germany. I will be working together with Jan Nowotsch on topics related to performance analysis of memory accesses in COTS multi-core platforms. During my stay, I look forward to meeting new people learning more about real-time systems in the avionics domain.
Article in Real-Time Systems Journal has Appeared
A journal article entitled “Unified overhead-aware schedulability analysis for slot-based task-splitting” has appeared in Real-Time Systems Journal. This article was first-authored by Paulo Baltarejo Sousa during my time at CISTER-ISEP Research Unit in Porto, Portugal and is the result of a collaboration from that time.
The main contribution of the article is a unified scheduling theory for two state-of-the-art slot-based semi-partitioned algorithms, S-EKG and NPS-F. This new theory is based on exact schedulability tests, thus also overcoming many sources of pessimism in existing analyses. Another benefit of the proposed analysis is that it captures overheads, such as interrupts, context switches, and caches, occurring when tasks are deployed on real multi-core platforms. Together, these advantages results in a new efficient and reliable schedulability analysis for slot-based task-splitting algorithms.
Paper Accepted at SIES 2013
A paper entitled “Identifying the Sources of Unpredictability in COTS-based Multicore Systems” was accepted at SIES 2013. This paper was written together with Dakshina Dasari, Vincent Nelis, Muhammad Ali Awan and Stefan Petters and is the first accepted paper resulting from the six months I spent at the CISTER-ISEP Research Center in Porto. The contribution of the paper is a survey of sources of unpredictability in commercial-of-the-shelf multi-core systems and the state-of-the-art research that is addressing them.
Update: The paper is now available online here.