Paper About CompSOC Tool-flow at FPGAworld 2013

A paper about the CompSOC tool-flow has been accepted that describes the highly automated effort of specifying and creating instances of the CompSOC platform, map applications to resources considering their real-time requirements, and executing the resulting system on FPGA. Three sub-flows of the tool-flow and their interactions are briefly explained: 1) the hardware tool flow, capable of translating a high-level description of a CompSOC platform instance into a fully synthesized implementation, 2) A system software flow, generating a software stack including a composable micro kernel, resource managers, drivers, and a virtual platform boot loader, and 3) An application flow that automatically generates a virtual platform configuration for applications that use the Cyclo-static Data Flow (CSDF) model of computation. The paper will be presented at FPGAworld and puts particular emphasis on practical aspects related to the first of these sub-flows and on the interaction with tools for our FPGA target.