Invited Presentations in Northern, Southern, and Central Europe

The next two weeks involves quite a marketing effort, as I will give three invited presentations about real-time memory controllers in northern, southern, and central Europe, respectively. Tomorrow, I will present our work at the Faculty of Information Technology at Czech Technical University in Prague. On Friday, I will meet with Karl-Erik Arzen and Enrico Bini at the Department of Control at Lund’s Institute of Technology and share my story. Lastly, next week Wednesday, I present at the ReTiS Lab at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. I thank all these institutes for the opportunity to present and I hope they will enjoy the story.

Paper Accepted at DSD 2013

Sahar Foroutan had a paper entitled “A General Framework for Average-Case Performance Analysis of Shared Resources” accepted at DSD 2013. This paper is a result of her six month collaboration visit in Eindhoven last year. The two main contributions of the paper are: 1) a general model for resource sharing based on queuing theory that can be used with different arbiters and that captures architectural features of the shared resource, such as pipelining and arbitration delay, and 2) three arbiter models for time-division multiplexing, static-priority arbitration, and round-robin, respectively, that assume general distributions (G/G/1) and fits within the framework.