
I have had the pleasure of (co)-supervising a number of students and researchers over the past couple of years. We have had many good times together and their contributions to my research have been very important.

Nsidibe Onoyom Bassey
Master student, Vrije University Amsterdam
Time: March 2024 – Present

William Ford
Master student University of Amsterdam / Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Time: February 2023 – Present
Literature review: Network Delay Model Creation and Validation for Design Space Exploration of Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems

Lars van der Water
Master Student, University of Amsterdam
Time: February 2023 – Present

Saeedeh Baneshi
PhD Student, University of Amsterdam
Time: April 2022 – Present

Marius Herget
PhD Student, University of Amsterdam
Time: February 2021 – Present

Merrick Oost-Rosengren
Master Student, University of Amsterdam
Time: December 2020 – July 2024
Thesis: Formal Verification of Components through Mirroring of Coloured Petri Nets

Ricardo Andrade
Master Student, Eindhoven University of Technology
Time: February 2023 – February 2024
Thesis: Real-Time Conformance Checking for Microservice Applications

Jesse Liauw-A-Fong
Master Student, University of Amsterdam
December 2022 – January 2024
Thesis: Local Anomaly Detection in Smart Public Transport Vehicles

Marijn Vollaard
Master Student, University of Amsterdam / Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Time: February 2023 – January 2024
Literature review: Hardware Dimensioning for Microservice Applications in Cyber-Physical Systems: Current Directions and Challenges
Thesis: Hardware Dimensioning for Microservice-based Cyber-Physical Systems: A Profiling and Performance Prediction Method

Amund Lunke Røhne
Master Student, University of Amsterdam
Time: December 2022 – October 2023
Thesis: Architectural Anti-Pattern Identification and Mitigation in Microservice Applications Based on Telemetry
Paper: Graph-based Anti-Pattern Detection in Microservice Applications

Herman Kelder
Master Student, University of Amsterdam
Time: December 2022 – July 2023
Literature review: Exploring Scalability in System-Level Simulation Environments for Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems
Thesis: Scalability in System-Level Simulation Environments for Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems

Bart-Jan Hilbrands
Master Student, University of Amsterdam
Time: December 2020 – December 2021
Thesis: Verification of Inter-Dependent Interfaces in Component-Based Architectures
Paper: Partial Specifications of Component-based Systems using Petri Nets

Mohammed (Madiou) Diallo
Bachelor student, Student worker, University of Amsterdam / TNO-ESI
Time: April 2020 – September 2020
Thesis: Towards the Scalability of Detecting and Correcting Incompatible Service Interfaces
Paper: Synthetic Portnet Generation with Controllable Complexity for Testing and Benchmarking

Mirka Schoute
Bachelor student, Student assistant, University of Amsterdam
Time: April 2020 – August 2020
Thesis: Application Programming for Embedded Systems in Education on TurtleBot3 using Statecharts

Louis van Zutphen
Bachelor student, University of Amsterdam
Time: April 2020 – June 2020
Thesis: Gazebo Simulation Fidelity for the Turtlebot3 Burger

Anna Minaeva
Master student, Researcher, PhD student, Czech Technical University in Prague
Time: June 2013 – September 2019
Thesis: Optimal Scheduling for Time-Division-Multiplexed Real-Time Systems
Dissertation: Scalable Scheduling Algorithms for Embedded Systems with Real-Time Requirements

Hazem Ali
PhD student, CISTER-ISEP Research Unit
Time: November 2012 – May 2017
Dissertation: Integrating Dataflow and Non-Dataflow Real-time Application Models on Multi-core Platforms

Yonghui Li
PhD student, Eindhoven University of Technology
Time: May 2012 – September 2016
Dissertation: Design and Formal Analysis of Real-Time Memory Controllers

Sven Goossens
Researcher, PhD student, Eindhoven University of Technology
Time: July 2010 – December 2015
Dissertation: A Reconfigurable Mixed-Time-Criticality SDRAM Controller

Manil Dev Gomony
PhD student, Eindhoven University of Technology
Time: March 2011 – September 2015
Dissertation: Scalable and Bandwidth-Efficient Memory Subsystem Design for Real-Time Systems

Jakub Kopriva
Master student, Czech Technical University in Prague
Time: June 2014 – June 2015
Thesis: Algorithms for Mapping and Scheduling Real-Time Streaming Applications on Heterogeneous Multi-core Platforms

Karthik Chandrasekar
PhD student, Delft University of Technology
Time: December 2009 – October 2014
Dissertation: High-Level Power Estimation and Optimization of DRAMs

Davit Mirzoyan
PhD student, Delft University of Technology
Time: February 2010 – December 2013
Dissertation: Better than Worst-Case Design for Streaming Applications under Process Variation

Jasper Kuijsten
Master student, Eindhoven University of Technology
Time: March 2012 – January 2013
Thesis: A Reconfigurable SDRAM Controller for Verifiable Mixed Time-Criticality Systems

Sahar Foroutan
Postdoctoral Researcher, TIMA Laboratory
Time: November 2011 – April 2012
Paper: A General Framework for Average-Case Performance Analysis of Shared Resources

Sjoerd te Pas
Master student, Eindhoven University of Technology
Time: September 2011 – March 2012
Thesis: Quality Versus Energy Trade-Off for Real-Time Applications on a Composable MPSoC

Gervin Thomas
PhD student, Technical University of Berlin
Time: August 2011 – October 2011
Paper: A Predictor-based Power-Saving Policy for DRAM Memories

Tim Kouters
Master student, Eindhoven University of Technology
Time: September 2010 – August 2011
Thesis: Exploiting Memory Maps and predictable Open-Page Policy in SDRAM for mixed Time-Criticality Systems

Anand Khot
Master student, Delft University of Technology
Project at Synopsys
Time: July 2010 – June 2011
Thesis: Performance Estimation Technique for Optimizing and Integrating IPs in MPSoCs

Firew Siyoum
Researcher, PhD student, Eindhoven University of Technology
Time: May 2010 – October 2010
Paper: Resource-Efficient Real-Time Scheduling Using Credit-Controlled Static-Priority Arbitration

Winston Siauw
Master student, Delft University of Technology
Project at NXP Semiconductors / Delft University of Technology
Time: August 2009 – July 2010
Thesis: 3D Architectures for Multimedia Applications

Williston Hayes Jr.
Master student, Eindhoven University of Technology
Project at NXP Semiconductors
Time: October 2008 – August 2009
Thesis: Memory Pattern Generation based on Specification and Environment

Getachew Teshome
Time: October 2008 – August 2009
Project at NXP Semiconductors
Master student, Delft University of Technology
Thesis: Front-end for Composable Resource Sharing Using Latency-Rate Servers

Eelke Strooisma
Master student, Delft University of Technology
Project at NXP Semiconductors
Time: April 2007 – May 2008
Thesis: A Predictable and Composable Front-end for System on Chip Memory Controllers

Markus Ringhofer
Master student, Graz University of Technology
Project at Philips Research
Time: September 2005 – May 2006
Thesis: Design and Implementation of a Memory Controller for Real-Time Applications